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作者:大众娱乐    日期:2024-12-16    阅读( )
本文摘要:Geminid meteor shower peaks December 14. 双子座流星雨昨夜大爆发。

Geminid meteor shower peaks December 14. 双子座流星雨昨夜大爆发。While the Gemini meteor shower is scheduled to happen between December 12th and the 16th, tonight the cosmic event will peak allowing viewers to watch shooting stars throughout the night sky. 双子座流星雨的预计经常出现时间为12月13日至16日,今夜这一宇宙盛事将步入大爆发,观测者们今夜可以大饱眼福,看见流星陨落的美景。

Bill Cooke of the NASA Meteoroid Environment Office said, Observers with clear skies could see as many as 40 Geminids per hour. Our all-sky network of meteor cameras has captured several early Geminid fireballs. They were so bright, we could see them despite the moonlight.来自NASA流星体环境研究所的Bill Cooke回应:如果天气晴好,观测者每小时能看见40颗双子座流星。我们的全天候流星照相机捕捉到一些早于到的双子座流星,它们十分暗淡,就算是在月光下也可以看清楚。People who want to see it should look up between 9pm and sunrise tomorrow morning. The Gemini meteor shower is an annual event that happens when earth runs through a trail of dusty debris that litters the orbit of 3200 Phaethon. Although, this meteor shower and the reason behind it remains a bit of an enigma. NASA reports, Comets vaporizing in hot sunlight naturally produce such debris trails, but rocky asteroids like 3200 Phaethon do not. At least theyre not supposed to. The incongruity has baffled researchers since 1983 when 3200 Phaethon was discovered by NASAs IRAS satellite.等候双子座流星雨的观测者可以从今晚的9点到明天凌晨持续注目。双子座流星雨是每年都会经常出现的三大流星雨之一(另外分别是象限仪座流星雨和英仙座流星雨)。



Its a good thing the science doesnt have to totally make sense to appreciate the beauty in the sky tonight. So, have a cup of coffee with dinner, and stretch your neck for some perfect star gazing tonight. 科学无法解释这种美景或许是件好事,竟然我们今晚在夜空中静静喜爱吧。所以就在今夜,泡杯咖啡,弯曲脖子,仰望夜空中的极致流星演出吧。



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